COVID-19 Coronavirus Information
We care about our members’ health, and we’re here for you.
As concern over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) grows, Premier Members is closely monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rest assured that we have taken precautions to protect the health and safety of our members and our employees.
Here are a few of the ways that we are here to support you:
- Online Banking – Our Online Banking system is available 24/7 for your health and safety. Log into Online Banking to access your funds and manage your finances from the security of your own home.
- Mobile Banking – Just like online banking, our mobile banking apps are available for you to do your banking any time. Don’t have the app yet? No problem. Download it from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
- Phone – If you’ve been financially impacted by COVID-19 and need our support, please call our Contact Center at 303.657.7000.
- Branch Locations – As always, our branch teams are available and happy to help you with your banking needs. With virus prevention in mind, we have augmented our daily cleaning procedures by using stronger antibacterial/anti-microbial disinfectants on high-touch surfaces. We are also educating our team members on best practices recommended by the CDC.
Premier Members will continue to monitor CDC updates on the virus, and we will evaluate any additional measures that might be needed to support you.
Member Assistance Information
We care about our members’ personal and financial health and we are here to support you in these difficult times. We understand that financial hardships may occur due to the impact of COVID-19. As a member-owned financial institution we are here to help.
Please visit our Member Assistance Program page for more information on assistance with your loan payments, mortgages, and other ways in which we are here to support our members and relieve some of your financial stress.
Premier Members cares about our community. Discover external financial resources related to housing and utilities, food, health and wellness, as well as resources for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit the Member Assistance Program page for more information.
Current Branch Locations Impact
Hours of operation at all branches are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. At this time, Saturday hours remain the same for branches that offer hours on Saturday. To see all branch hours, please visit our location page.
As of Monday, January 4th, our Premier Members branches have safely resumed lobby operations. Feel free to still use our drive-up windows, digital banking or you can our Member Services Contact Center at 303.657.7000 to schedule an appointment. Please see list below for details.
- Open Branches
- Arvada 64th Ave Branch, 12379 W 64th Ave
- Boulder Arapahoe Ave Branch, 5505 Arapahoe Ave
- Boulder Broadway Branch, 2667 Broadway
- Castle Rock Promenade Pkwy Branch, 6355 Promenade Pkwy
- Centennial Briarwood Cir Branch, 10637 E Briarwood Cir
- Estes Park Branch, 453 S. Wonderview Ave, Unit 2
- Firestone Colorado Blvd Branch, 8080 Colorado Blvd
- Longmont Main St. Branch, 2142 N. Main St
- Longmont Airport Rd Branch, 600 S Airport Rd
- Louisville Coal Creek Cir Branch, 800 Coal Creek Cir
- Pueblo Hood Avenue Branch, 1825 Hood Ave
- Westminster 120th Branch, 2921 W 120th Ave, Suite 100
- Westminster Federal Blvd Branch, 8440 Federal Blvd
- Protocols
- Plexiglass screen guards have been installed at all teller locations, greeter stations and offices where we will be serving members face-to-face,
- Social distancing visual cues have been installed to show you where and how to line up both inside and outside our locations to maintain the recommended minimum distance of 6 feet from others,
- We are employing more stringent daily cleaning and sanitation practices to support the health and wellness of our staff and to ensure a safe visit to our branches for our members.
Cleaning & Sanitation Changes at Premier Members
For the health and safety of all of our members and staff, we have increased focus on keeping our locations clean and sanitized. You can expect to see staff cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often, including doorknobs, phones, handrails, and counters throughout all our facilities. Also, you may see staff that handles cash and coin wearing gloves in order to lessen their exposure risk. Other in-branch changes you might notice in order to reduce the risk of transmission are that we are no longer providing toys for kids in the waiting areas of our branches, and we have eliminated making cups of pens available for members to share. As a result, we are encouraging our members to bring your own pen if needed in order to complete your transaction.
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Many of our members are choosing to use Online Banking, Mobile Banking, and Call Center services (303.657.7000) instead of coming into a branch. Please be aware that this may impact hold times due to increased volume. Additionally, feel free to utilize the convenience of our online deposit and loan account application systems on our website to apply for deposit, loan, and mortgage accounts.
Lastly and most importantly, please follow the general health recommendations below to protect yourself:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
- CDC does not recommend that people wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
- Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. People who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility) should also wear a facemask.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
What You Can Do to Help Others
At Premier Members, we believe it’s our responsibility to support the basic needs of our members and our community. That is why Premier Members has donated $12,500 to five Colorado food banks. If you are in the position to do so, please consider giving with us to these Colorado food banks.
- Care and Share
- Community Food Share
- Food Bank of the Rockies
- Food Bank for Larimer County
- Weld Food Bank
Premier Members is also an avid and financial supporter of Impact on Education, the foundation supports students and educators in the Boulder Valley School District, and is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the education community.
With schools closed for in-school learning for the remainder of the academic year, and summer school being taught remotely, Impact on Education is working to ensure that all Boulder Valley students have the tools to continue their education from home. Because of the generosity of over 650 donors who have given gifts to their Critical Needs Fund, they have been able to assist the BVSD families who need it most. However, there is still a $150,000 gap to fill so that they are able to continue feeding families through July and make certain that temporary school closures do not lead to permanent learning deficits.
If you’re able to help during this challenging time, please join Premier Members, and consider making a gift to Impact on Education.
Your Funds Are Secure
Your hard-earned savings remain safe and secure. Your deposits are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). The NCUA operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). This share insurance protects your funds. Additionally, you are banking at a successful, financially sound Credit Union with strong earnings, net income and capital.
Avoid Scams
COVID-19 Relief and Stimulus Scam:
- Don’t open spoofed emails from U.S. Treasury Officials requesting personal information
- Contact specific government agencies via their websites for guidance
How to keep your finances and personal information safe:
- Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know. It could download a virus onto your computer or device. Make sure the anti-malware and anti-virus software on your computer is up to date.
- Watch for emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or experts saying they have information about the virus. For the most up-to-date information about the Coronavirus, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Ignore online offers for vaccinations. If you see ads touting prevention, treatment, or cure claims for the Coronavirus, ask yourself: if there’s been a medical breakthrough, would you be hearing about it for the first time through an ad or sales pitch?
- Do your homework when it comes to donations, whether through charities or crowdfunding sites. Don’t let anyone rush you into making a donation. If someone wants donations in cash, by gift card, or by wiring money, don’t do it.
- Be alert to “investment opportunities.” The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is warning people about online promotions, including on social media, claiming that the products or services of publicly-traded companies can prevent, detect, or cure Coronavirus and that the stock of these companies will dramatically increase in value as a result.
- Be on the lookout for scam artists trying to use the economic impact payments as cover for schemes to steal personal information and money. Remember, the IRS will not call , text you, email you or contact you on social media asking for personal or bank account information – even related to the economic impact payments. Also, watch out for emails with attachments or links claiming to have special information about economic impact payments or refunds.
Economic Impact Payments (EIP)
Looking for your Economic Impact Payment? Follow these steps:
- Visit
- Select the second option on the left, Economic Impact Payments
- Select “Get My Payment”
- As you follow the prompts, a SSN, DOB, street address, and zip code will be required.
- If a payment has been scheduled, a prompt will appear with payment information.
FAQ’s about Economic Impact Payments
Who Is Eligible?
U.S. residents will receive the Economic Impact Payment of $1,200 for individual or head of household filers, and $2,400 for married filing jointly if they are not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a work eligible Social Security number with adjusted gross income up to:
$75,000 for individuals
$112,500 for head of household filers and
$150,000 for married couples filing joint returns
Taxpayers will receive a reduced payment if their AGI is between:
$75,000 and $99,000 if their filing status was single or married filing separately
112,500 and $136,500 for head of household
$150,000 and $198,000 if their filing status was married filing jointly
The amount of the reduced payment will be based upon the taxpayers specific adjusted gross income.
Eligible retirees and recipients of Social Security, Railroad Retirement, disability or veterans’ benefits as well as taxpayers who do not make enough money to normally have to file a tax return will receive a payment. This also includes those who have no income, as well as those whose income comes entirely from certain benefit programs, such as Supplemental Security Income benefits.
Retirees who receive either Social Security retirement or Railroad Retirement benefits will also receive payments automatically.
Who is NOT Eligible?
Although some filers, such as high-income filers, will not qualify for an Economic Impact Payment, most will.
Taxpayers likely won’t qualify for an Economic Impact Payment if any of the following apply:
- Your adjusted gross income is greater than
- $99,000 if your filing status was single or married filing separately
- $136,500 for head of household
- $198,000 if your filing status was married filing jointly
- You can be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return. For example, this would include a child, student or older dependent who can be claimed on a parent’s return.
- You do not have a valid Social Security number.
- You are a nonresident alien.
- You filed Form 1040-NR or Form 1040NR-EZ, Form 1040-PR or Form 1040-SS for 2019.
How Much is it Worth?
Eligible individuals with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for single filers, $112,500 for head of household filers and $150,000 for married filing jointly are eligible for the full $1,200 for individuals and $2,400 married filing jointly. In addition, they are eligible for an additional $500 per qualifying child.
For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$112,500/$150,000 thresholds. Single filers with income exceeding $99,000, $136,500 for head of household filers and $198,000 for joint filers with no children are not eligible and will not receive payments.
Do I need to take action?
People who filed a tax return for 2019 or 2018
No additional action is needed by taxpayers who:
- have already filed their tax returns this year for 2019. The IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount.
- haven’t filed yet for 2019 but filed a 2018 federal tax return. For these taxpayers the IRS will use their information from 2018 tax filings to make the Economic Impact Payment calculations.
People who aren’t typically required to file a tax return
Social Security and Railroad Retirement recipients who are not typically required to file a tax return need to take no action. The IRS will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 and Form RRB-1099 to generate Economic Impact Payments of $1,200 to these individuals even if they did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019. Recipients will receive these payments as a direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients are also part of this group who don’t need to take action.
For Social Security, Railroad retirees and SSDI who have qualifying children, they can take an additional step to receive $500 per qualifying child.
There are other individuals such as low-income workers and certain veterans and individuals with disabilities who aren’t required to file a tax return, but they are still eligible for the Economic Impact Payments.
Payment Recipients: Watch for a letter from the IRS
For security reasons, the IRS plans to mail a letter about the economic impact payment to the taxpayer’s last known address within 15 days after the payment is paid. The letter will provide information on how the payment was made and how to report any failure to receive the payment. If a taxpayer is unsure they’re receiving a legitimate letter, the IRS urges taxpayers to visit first to protect against scam artists.
Stay up to date with trustworthy information
There is a lot of information being shared about the spread of COVID-19, and much of it is not from reliable sources. Facebook and other social channels are taking action to prevent the spreading of misinformation
The Centers for Disease Control has created a page where they are posting the most up to date and reliable information at
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has published pertinent local information at
We will continue to monitor the situation daily and update this page with new information accordingly.